Date: 11th May 2022
Subject: Rural Social Care and Health
Chair: Cllr Roger Phillips, Herefordshire Council
Hosted: Online Event via Zoom
- To download the agenda associated for this meeting, click here
- To download a copy of the RSN's 'Market Sustainability and Fair Cost of Care Fund' presentation click here
- To download a copy of the NCRHC's 'APPG on Rural Health and Social Care's - Inquiry into Health and Care' presentation click here
- To download a copy of the learning outcomes click here
Learning Outcomes
- Key issues facing rural councils in delivering care services include:
- Resource, rural areas receive significantly lower levels of funding from Government than urban areas.
- Workforce, recruitment, and retention of staff in rural areas is more challenging generally and are exacerbated by the lack of affordable housing, travel costs, etc.
- Demography, rural areas have a higher concentration of older people compared to urban, which places a higher burden on rural local authorities to deliver care services.
- Self-funders, there are higher levels of people funding their own care in rural areas, making them more sensitive to funding reform.
- Care Homes, there are greater numbers of care homes in rural areas compared to metropolitan areas, many of these care homes however service the needs of non-rural residents.
- Sparsity, there are geographical challenges in providing care in large and remote rural areas due to the time and costs involved in delivering care over long distances.
- Market Sustainability and Fair Cost of Care Fund - RSN Chief Executive stated that a recent meeting with the Care Minister it was highlighted the need for local authorities to start build strong health foundations, if not they will not be looked upon favourably for future funding. As a condition of receiving funding, local authorities will need to evidence the work they are doing to prepare their care markets and make submissions to DHSC by 14 October 2022. RSN will be contacting local authority health members to ask them to share their submissions, so it can track allocations to establish whether rural receives it fair share of funding.
- The Local Government Finance Settlement 2022 to 2023 included additional funding for local authorities to cover some of the demographic and unit cost pressures facing social care. The Market Sustainability and Fair Cost of Care Fund is additional to those pressures and will help local authorities to meet their new duties.
- Launch of the Report of the Inquiry into Rural Health and Care after 18 months of intensive work by the Rural Health and Care APPG and the National Centre for Rural Health and Care a Full Inquiry Report was launched on 1 February 2022. The full report is accompanied by a useful Overview.
- Chief Medical Officer – Professor Sir Chris Whitty was at the launch and incredibly supportive of the findings stating, “rural areas have received much less attention than they should have”, a point echoed in his Health in Coastal Communities Report.
- The APPG Rural Health and Care Inquiry report tells us rural areas are different:
- There is a disproportionately older population, often with more complex co-morbidities and a paucity of younger people.
- The ebb and flow of rural populations due to seasonal demands associated with tourism and agriculture makes provision of health and care even more challenging.
- Health in rural areas is not just dictated by the quality, range and capacity of health and care providers. Access to good public transport, digital connectivity, housing and education plays an imperative role too.
- Economic uncertainties have a significant impact in rural areas, resulting in high levels of unhealthy behaviour and suicide.
- Due to poor data collection and the granularity of data used, there is an incorrect assumption that all rural areas are affluent.
- The NHS is a huge system which is place blind and its big is beautiful mentality often unwittingly drives health inequalities. A person, not system centred approach is needed.
- Much can be learned from international best practice. The Inquiry took evidence from 89 witnesses from both UK and Overseas and the third sector. International evidence shows that retention is high in rural areas if you recruit and train in rural areas.
- Rural areas need a strategy that recognises the economic and social benefits of delivering levelling up in rural areas: without such recognition rural England will be overlooked, by-passed, and pushed down further, rather than levelled up. Such a strategy needs to be delivered across departments and focused on genuinely levelling up and revitalising rural area/economies.
- Recommendations from the Inquiry into Rural Health and Care Rural Health Report are divided in to four areas:
- Build understanding of the distinctive health and care needs of rural areas
- Deliver services that are suited to the specific needs of rural places
- Develop a structural and regulatory framework that fosters rural adaption and innovation
- Develop integrated services that provide holistic, person-centred care
Member Best Practice and Case Studies
- Devon Communities Together have recently completed a piece of work on digital pathways to care, looking at rural digital health inequalities. The project was funded by NHSX and was delivered by working with the Devon CCG and VCSE partner Wellmoor. To access the findings click here.
- Mobile UK is working on a report highlighting case studies on how technology is being used in the health sector. The report is expected to be published by July and will be shared by the RSN.
Action Points for All Members
Useful Links
Attendance and Apologies
Full Name
Ivan Annibal
National Centre for Rural Health and Care
Graham Biggs MBE
Rural Services Network
Kerry Booth
Rural Services Network
Nora Corkery
Devon Communities Together
Cllr Pauline Crockett
Herefordshire Council
Abi Culley
Warwickshire County Council
Jane Deville
University of Lincoln
Cllr Marion Fitzgerald
Allerdale Borough Council
Cllr Graham Gooch
Lancashire County Council
Cllr Bill Handley
South Cambridgeshire District Council
Nik Harwood
Young Somerset
Sean Johnson
Lincolnshire County Council
Rachel Kemp
North Yorkshire County Council
Cllr Patrick Kimber
West Devon Borough Council
Berni Lee
Shropshire Council
Jeremy Leggett
Hamish MacLeod
Mobile UK
Jenny McConnell
Reed in Partnership
Elizabeth Morgan
Northumberland County Council
Cllr Roger Phillips
Herefordshire Council/Rural Services Network
Cllr David Rogers
Alessia Rose
Devon County Council
Nadine Trout
Rural Services Network
Full Name
Cllr Owen Bierley
West Lindsey District Council
Pip Cannons
Community Catalysts
Angela Crossland
North Yorkshire County Council
Lois Dale
Shropshire Council
Cllr Judith Derbyshire
Eden District Council
Gemma Finnegan
Cornwall Rural Community Charity
Cllr Virginia Gay
North Norfolk District Council
Cllr William Gray
East Lindsey District Council
Nick Grubb
Wrekin Housing Group
Gavin Iredale
Reed in Partnership
Cllr Tony Leech
West Devon Borough Council
Toby Matthews
Norfolk County Council
Shelagh Meldrum
Yeovil District Hospital/Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
John Metcalfe
Cumbria County Council
Gary Powell
Teignbridge District Council
Cllr Louise Richardson
Leicestershire County Council
Rachel Robinson
Shropshire Council
Cllr Richard Sherras
Ribble Valley Borough Council
Ian Sherriff
University of Plymouth Faculty of Health
Cllr Alan Sutton
Chichester District Council
Grace Tompkins
YMCA Lincolnshire
Mark Trafford