Ahead of the General Election, the Rural Coalition calls for stronger rural economies to boost national prosperity

24/06/2024 - The Rural Coalition, an alliance of twelve national organisations dedicated to enhancing rural life, is calling for attention to be given to boosting rural economies as part of the broader national economic strategy. The Coalition emphasises the crucial role of rural areas in strengthening the overall economic health of the country, especially as the general election looms.

The Rural Coalition is clear that there is huge potential to increase productivity within rural areas. With the appropriate support, rural economies could generate additional billions a year in tax receipts for the Treasury. Productivity in rural areas in England, is currently lower than the national average suggesting significant potential for future improvement.  Such a boost could significantly fund vital national priorities, emphasising the interconnectedness of rural prosperity with national success.

Margaret Clark CBE, Chair of the Rural Coalition, remarks:

"Investing in rural economies and rural infrastructure makes sense not just locally but is essential for the national interest. Increasing rural productivity and undertaking strategic development in housing and other infrastructure in these areas can make a substantial and much-needed contribution to the nation’s economic and social fabric."

The Rural Coalition has produced a detailed roadmap for achieving these transformative goals, serving as a clear guide to bolstering the rural economy. The Coalition has set out a series of strategic initiatives, ensuring that rural areas receive the investment and attention necessary to thrive and grow. This roadmap lays the foundation for a brighter future for rural England, highlighting the essential policy principles needed to turn potential into reality.

Strategic initiatives proposed by the Rural Coalition include:

  • Developing and implementing a cross-departmental comprehensive rural strategy, guided by a Cabinet-level Minister, to ensure cohesive and effective support for rural areas.
  • Ensuring fair funding which takes proper account of rural costs
  • Investing in rural infrastructure that is fit for the future
  • Adapting and mitigating for climate change
  • Creating the conditions for a prosperous rural economy
  • Designing services so they meet rural needs
  • Delivering services as locally as possible
  • Supporting the key contribution of the voluntary and community sector
  • Devolving decision making powers closer to communities

The full roadmap can be accessed here.

As the General Election approaches, the Rural Coalition calls on all policymakers to integrate these strategies into their plans, recognising that realising the potential of rural England is indispensable to the nation’s prosperity.

For more details, interviews, or additional information, please contact Margaret Clark CBE at [email protected].


About the Rural Coalition:
Formed by twelve national organisations, the Rural Coalition strives for a vibrant and sustainable rural England. Led by President Rt Revd Dr Alan Smith and Chair Margaret Clark CBE, the Coalition advocates for policies that address the economic, social, and environmental needs of rural communities.

Members of the Rural Coalition:
Action with Communities in Rural England
Arthur Rank Centre
CPRE – The Countryside Charity
National Association of Local Councils
National Centre for Rural Health and Care
National Farmers Union
National Housing Federation
Plunkett UK
Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
Royal Town Planning Institute
Rural Services Network
Town and Country Planning Association


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