Avoid turbine 'buffer zones', councils told

LOCAL councils should avoid creating 'buffer zones' around villages to stop wind turbines blighting communities, says a report.

Renewable energy experts Regen SW set out the evidence on wind turbines in a special report published on Thursday (8 November).

Turbine-free buffer zones or "standardised residential separation distances" around towns and villages are inappropriate, says the document.

Buffer zones are in conflict with government policy and do not provide the best approach for addressing the impacts of wind turbines, it concludes.

Some local authorities and politicians have shown interest in setting buffer zones for wind turbines with the aim of protecting the amenity of residential areas, says the report.

But the impacts of wind turbines are most effectively addressed by planning authorities on a case by case basis, not through standardised buffer zones, it adds.

The report also concludes that standard separation distances are in conflict with national policy, which requires local authorities to have a positive strategy to support renewable energy.

Regen SW director Cheryl Hiles said: "Wind is the most established and cost effective renewable energy technology we have and needs to play a part in our energy mix.

"Planning policies that put whole areas of land off limits for wind turbines without assessing the specific local circumstances are in conflict with national policy and could result in communities losing out on the chance to host their own turbines."

"As with any other development, the planning process should take a robust approach to ensuring wind turbines are appropriately sited and any impacts are minimised.

"This can be done most effectively by taking a case by case approach to each proposed development."

"Our review of the latest evidence shows that the wilder claims about the impacts of wind turbines have no basis. We must base critical decisions on the future of our energy supplies on the facts."

A full copy of the report can be found by clicking here.


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