Beyond the breaking point: patient survey highlights NHS challenges

The Patients Association’s recent survey has revealed significant challenges in accessing care, reinforcing our calls to fix the crisis in healthcare and improve patients’ access to services they need to live well.

  • Three out of ten (30%) people struggled to access GP appointments in the past six months

“I have not seen a GP face to face in nearly 2 years. So, I have given up and just suffer in silence.”

  • Only 13% said there were no NHS services they had struggled to access

“Everything has been postponed, I have been waiting for surgery for over three years.”

  • Just over three out of ten (31%) want full ownership of and easy access to their medical information

“Impossible to get access to the medical records in full.”

Other findings from the survey of 1,210 respondents include:

  • A quarter (26%) of respondents agreed they had been given the opportunity to choose an alternative location for hospital care

“I’m constantly having hospital appointments cancelled. I ask them to change me to other hospitals/doctors, I’m told yes but never do.”

  • Two fifths (41%) agreed their care has been well coordinated

“You get there - eventually - but the waste in time and the to-ing and fro-ing from appointment to appointment is a waste of resources. Sort issues quickly and stop multiple appointments.”

  • Less than half (45%) agreed they had been kept informed about what was happening with their care and almost a fifth (19%) disagreed

“Long waiting list. Wrong information. Consultants letter contained information that was never discussed with patient.”

We made five demands in our manifesto. Respondents to our survey back those demands to varying degrees.  

Demand 1. Take patient partnership from theory to practice:

Our survey reveals a clear desire for patients to be treated as an equal partner in their care, with nearly half (45%) believing this would improve communication and transparency. 

Demand 2. Make increasing the availability of quality care a national priority:

With only around half (47%) of respondents agreeing they could access services they needed, our demand for a new ambitious strategy to get more patients the care they need is clearly urgently needed.

Demand 3. Place health at the heart of government:

A majority of respondents, seven out of ten (71%) agreed that all Government departments should prioritise public health, backing our call for a cross-government strategy that sets out what different departments can do to promote patient health and well-being and avoid causing additional harm.

Demand 4. Deliver genuine two-way communication:

Just over two-fifths (41%) of respondents felt their care was well coordinated; in our manifesto we called on the next Government to increase the number of care coordinators and care navigators to improve communication routes.

Demand 5. Provide the workforce patients need:

Just under a third (32%) of respondents believe the Government should prioritise investing in healthcare staff, backing our demand for full implementation of the NHS workforce plan.


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