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By Kerryn Humphreys, CJS
In July 1994 small envelopes started landing on the doormats of countryside rangers, inside were a couple of sheets of closely typed A4 containing details of vacancies in the countryside management sector. Since those small beginnings the Countryside Jobs Service has grown along with the green jobs sector.
Conservation was mainly for historic buildings and nature was the green stuff outside. The National Trust had wardens not rangers which meant we sometimes got enquiries about prison wardens! In 1996, the first year for which we have the data, we published 202 jobs for rangers and wardens, by 2023 that had risen to 1400 adverts (not vacancies) more than the total number of vacancies in 1996 (1008).
Which just shows how much things have changed. One thing remains the same though, ranger and countryside management are still the main stay for CJS. Ecology and biodiversity focused jobs now form the second largest group of vacancies with 957 adverts in 2023 (12% of all advertised online).
As the conservation sector is largely made up of charitable organisations sourcing funding has been part of many jobs, and along with publicity and promotional duties, was a major element in 374 adverts during 2023.
Something that was never even thought of 30 years ago was Diversity, Equality and Inclusion, this is a recent addition to subjects up for discussion, and we’ve carried a few articles about it and it is something that is beginning to be mentioned in job descriptions.
One very welcome change is the gradual awareness that volunteering is not sustainable for many people and we’re seeing many more paid traineeships and intern posts. These are really helping to grow the workforce and allowing our young people (and career changers too) to gain the all important experience and practical skills that are needed for a long, successful career in the sector and for too long were a missing element, one that many will know has frequently been a topic of discussion!
CJS’s growth has not only been in the range of jobs and careers but a widening in the content too, the website and newsletters now carry a wide variety of information, articles and in depth features aimed at the profession and giving a behind the scenes look at what life’s really like working in the sector, a full directory of training (long and short courses) and a daily news service – things that 30 years ago would never have fitted in those first little envelopes.
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Images credit - Countryside Jobs Service
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