A fund is now available for financially vulnerable households who live off the gas grid and rely on bulk fuel deliveries in order and to keep warm this winter
The scheme helps prevent self-disconnection where a household cannot afford to pay for their fuel and have been deemed as in ‘crisis need’ by Fuel Bank Partners.
The Heat Fund ensures that people are not left without energy for basics like heating and hot water.
To be eligible for this fund the household must:
- Rely on coal, wood, heating oil or LPG as the primary source of heat
- Is off the gas grid and doesn’t use electricity as the primary source of heating
- Is located in England, Wales or Scotland
and is either:
- Living without heat because they are unable to afford to purchase fuel to top up their bunker, store, tank or bottles
- or imminently in risk of living without heat because they are unable to afford to purchase bulk fuel (imminently means within seven days)