National Rural Conference Kicks Off with Focus on Fair Funding and Economic Regeneration

The 2024 National Rural Conference commenced yesterday, bringing together over 200 engaged delegates to discuss two crucial topics: Rural Fair Funding and the Rural Economy & Regeneration. The first day proved to be a great success, with dynamic participation, thought-provoking discussions, and a strong sense of collaboration amongst attendees.

Rural Fair Funding

The opening session, led by rural advocates, RSN Chief Executive, Kerry Booth and RSN Chair, Councillor Roger Phillips, highlighted the ongoing challenges in securing equitable funding for rural councils. Kerry Booth stressed the need for nuanced policies that reflect the unique challenges rural areas face, advocating for fairer distribution of resources. Cllr Phillips elaborated on the disproportionate financial burdens faced by rural communities, such as higher council taxes and the increased costs of delivering essential services in sparsely populated areas. This session underscored the importance of continued lobbying for policies that bridge the gap between rural and urban funding disparities. We also heard from Hywel Lloyd, co-founder of Labour Coast and Country, who shared his perspective on ensuring fair policies that reflect the diversity of rural communities and their unique needs.

Rural Economy & Regeneration

The second session of the day focused on unlocking the economic potential of rural areas. Katherine Lewis from NICRE discussed strategies for framing rural investment as essential to broader national growth?. Sarah Slaven from Business Durham, Durham County Council further demonstrated how science parks like NETPark are driving innovation and job creation in rural settings. With over £62 million invested in its latest phase, NETPark is set to become a key hub for high-value science and technology industries?. 

In addition to the insights provided during the Rural Economy & Regeneration session, Till Specht from the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG) presented on the government's growth funds and future funding plans. He discussed key initiatives such as the Future High Streets Fund, Town Deals, and the Levelling Up Fund, highlighting the government's goal to simplify funding processes and better align them with rural challenges. This was a critical component of the session, reinforcing the need for rural-focused solutions to drive growth and regeneration.

As the conference progresses, we look forward to more in-depth discussions and innovative solutions aimed at enhancing rural potential. Although bookings for the upcoming sessions are now closed, members can still request to join the waiting list by emailing [email protected].

The conversations have only just begun, and we eagerly anticipate the insights and strategies that will emerge in the days ahead, ensuring a prosperous future for rural communities across England.


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