No need for anyone to be lonely

Staffordshire-based non-profit housing provider Trent & Dove is tackling the problem of loneliness and social isolation with a new befriending service. The scheme grew out of the welfare calls and support provided to residents during the early stages of the COVID pandemic, and has now become a popular and permanent part of the organisation’s approach.

The service includes a bright orange Coffee and Connect ‘wellbeing wagon’. Funded in partnership with Support Staffordshire, this visits a different local community each week to serve free drinks and create a focal point to bring people together.

A 21st century phenomenon

David Riley, Head of Customer & Communities at Trent & Dove, explained: “About forty per cent of adults experience loneliness, especially younger and older people, and those living alone or with illness or disability. Being isolated can cut life expectancy by up to 15 years – equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes a day. But we believe there’s no need for anyone to feel alone or cut off.”

Growing fast

The new service began with staff putting themselves forward to be trained for befriending work on top of their normal jobs. In its first three months these volunteers contacted 234 residents and made more than a hundred referrals to other agencies. Trent & Dove is now seeking to recruiting further volunteers from the community, and the service is part of a £500,000 National Lottery bid to grow this kind of support across the county.

One of the first people to enjoy a drink from the wellbeing wagon was Alz Coates from Mayfield. She said: “Seeing the Coffee and Connect van in our village was amazing. A lot of older residents came out to say hello and have a chat. I’m looking forward to the van’s next visit – things like this are very much needed in rural areas.” 

Trent & Dove’s Befriending Officer Christine Bettson explained how the service benefits individuals, families and neighbourhoods: “Once someone’s self-confidence is restored, they often start to engage more fully in their community. We’ve learnt that the people most in need of befriending support are often those least likely to reach out. We believe that the approach we’ve taken can and should be adopted by other organisations.”

Anyone interested in becoming a befriending volunteer can contact Christine on 07767 100789 or [email protected]. Details of the Coffee and Connect wagon’s future visits are on Trent & Dove’s Facebook page at

More help

Befriending is just one aspect of the organisation’s wider culture and support, which also includes:

  • Places of Welcome – community gardens for anyone to enjoy some company, a drink and help out if they wish
  • Falls prevention – to reduce the number and severity of injuries at home
  • Christmas food hampers – delivered to more than 250 residents at risk of isolation over the holiday period.

Trent & Dove has made a short film about the Befriending Service and its life-changing impact. The service is also in contention for this year’s Innovator of the Year category at the UK Housing Awards:


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