RSN Shares its Concerns and Seeks Your Views on the Government Consultation on Consistency in Recycling
Rural Fair Funding

The Rural Services Network is keen to respond to the Government’s current consultation on Consistency in Household and Business Recycling in England.
Whilst the RSN welcomes proposals to increase recycling we have particular concern with regards to the New Burdens Doctrine, see our thoughts below:
- With the present and historic unfairness to rural areas of the Funding Formula for Local Government (with urban areas receiving more money than rural) it is feared that whilst the amount of new money to meet the cost of the new burdens may cover 100% at a national level it is unlikely to at a rural level.
- Refuse Collection/Recycling is a huge cost for rural Districts. New costs for statutory duties not matched by income will either increase Council Tax (but increases are capped and rural already pays much more per head than rural) or see other services reduced, or a mixture of both.
- Whilst at the national level one-off implementation costs/set up/transition costs (capital and revenue) are covered under the Doctrine recurring-costs are only guaranteed for a minimum of the first 3 years.
The RSN has compiled a quick survey (specifically aimed at local authorities) to find out views in rural areas on the impact of consistent recycling proposals.
To take the 5-minute RSN survey on Consistent Recycling click here.
The survey will close on Friday 25 June 2021