RSP Member - Cambridgeshire ACRE

Cambridgeshire ACRE is the rural community council for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. We are a member of the ACRE Network of 38 local development charities that influence on rural issues and deliver rural projects across England. We work together to evidence need, to inform, and to influence at a national level, speaking up as the voice of rural communities across England.

Our own programmes and projects are primarily designed to support people living in rural Cambridgeshire and Peterborough especially those most at risk of disadvantage caused by poor access to services and advice, homelessness, poor educational attainment, poor health outcomes, geographic isolation, social mobility or increasing poverty levels.

Whilst we work primarily within the County, our reputation and expertise has meant that we sometimes work outside this area.

Our small staff team of 12 are all home-based but regularly meet our members and customers out and about in the community. Maintaining a strong rural network is important to us so that we have good intelligence from grassroots rural communities that we can feed into our lobbying work at a national level.

Twitter: @cambsacre
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 01353 860850


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