Churches Rural Forum
Through meetings, working groups, our website and newsletter the Devon Churches Rural Forum provides both physical and virtual meeting places for anyone interested or involved in rural life and ministry in Devon to share:
- resources for churches including news of training, conference and networking opportunities
- liturgy and prayers for rural communities
- shared stories of worship, care and service
- information on examples of rural ministry and links to other projects
- a directory of church based community projects and activities
- information and links on a wide variety of organisations who support our rural communities
- information and resources related to a variety of rural social, economic, farming and environmental issues.
Forum members and sub groups are also active in:
- Pastoral Care for farmers and livestock market chaplaincy
- Keeping abreast of farming issues in Devon
- Identifying needs and developing training opportunities for rural ministry
- Exploring and reflecting theologically on models of rural ministry
- Monitoring and responding to rural social and economic issues and concern
- Acting on environmental concerns and care for our land
To find out more visit: https://www.devonchurchesruralforum.org.uk/ or if you have any questions about the Devon Churches Rural Forum, please email [email protected]