Rural Crime Network - Services

National Rural Crime NetworkNational Rural Crime Network website launched
The new National Rural Crime Network is now live.

The formation of the NRCN was originally conceived by the Rural Services Network which acts as a secretariat to the NRCN members. The Network involves 34 Police and Crime Commissioners and their Forces across England and Wales working in collaboration with major national rural stakeholder organisations such as the CLA, NFU, Farmers Union of Wales, NFU Mutual, Historic England, Crimestoppers, Neighbourhood Watch, National Community Safety Network, National Gamekeepers Organisation and the Countryside Alliance, amongst others. The NRCN has been set up to ensure effective sharing of best practice in relation to challenging rural crime and anti-social behaviour that so often blights rural communities. The NRCN ensures through an improved collaboration across all organisations working at a strategic level, that rural crime can be better tackled and minimised as well as encouraging better responses from the public in deploying effective crime prevention techniques.

To visit the National Rural Crime Network website click here

If you would like any further information regarding the NRCN please contact [email protected]


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